Dr. Kendall Soucie
Dr. Kendall Soucie is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Windsor, in Ontario Canada. She studies the psychosocial impacts of living with chronic health conditions that primarily affect women, with a focus on polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Dr. Soucie’s research is co-designed with patient, advisory, and community partners, and amplifies strength-based, resilience, and lifespan approaches to explore pathways to improved psychological health and quality of life. She has also received funding by the Social Sciences and Humanities and Council of Canada (SSHRC) to conduct this work, along with her research lab, the Heal Lab (Health Experiences and Longevity Lab) at the UW. Dr. Soucie also works within multidisciplinary teams at that focus broadly on understanding the complex intersections between individual, social, institutional, and community-level barriers and facilitators of health equity, health care, psychological support and wellness.